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About Rich

  • Birthday 11/04/1982

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    The MooOOOoon
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  • Currently Driving
    slow/free golf mk4.

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  1. It's relay 109 providing you're a TDI. If it's a petrol then back to the drawing board
  2. Once you see it and can trace it you know where it is. Mine was a TDI, I did many many miles in that, good economical car but it did like a kicking.
  3. It is not impossible, you're just not trying hard enough. Sorry.
  4. With success many many times. I have found the pivot bearing to be stuck a few times. Good for the diaphragm.
  5. I have no idea, probably carbon. I have come across this stuck actuator fun a few times.
  6. I found with mine the actuator on the turbo started playing up and I had to chop a 14mm spanner in half and wiggle it up and down for ages till it became freely moving. Harsh on the hands if I remember correctly.
  7. I'm going to have to import some steering rack bolts for Ray.
  8. If I wasn't in fear of scams (understand where I'm coming from) I have glass and would ship, but a nice south African golf mk2 carpet would have to come my way.
  9. A. They're the same. B. Want one? I have one in my weigh in car if you're quick.
  10. I'd import premium Spanish oem stuff. My latest TT is going to be immense
  11. Since it's a crappy non starting one litre I would do as I always do and start by sucking the vacuum pipes and checking the one way valves etc are working. I hate auc engines.
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