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Cumbria VAG 2013 - 20-21st July.


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Hi all,


Just wondering who is interested in coming to this show. I have booked a Club stand, initially booked for 10-15 cars based on previous years attendances.

So if you could append your names below.


1. Silver! - Lupo GTI


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I wouldn't mind going Sunday, providing the condition of my car vastly improves by then!


1. Silver! - Lupo GTI


1. Arosa.Al - Arosa

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I'll decide on the day, but I have to buy myself loads of beer.


I will keep a few pounds to one side just in case I owe you one! :)

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Well it's different than the last couple of years in that there is now a Sat night camping and it's also at a different location.

Previous years, it's been a great little show, more in the style of VW Festival Leeds than Edition or the like. Good mix air and water with a separate static Show & Shine and Club Stand areas and a Traders area too.

Really chilled friendly atmosphere.

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What if the cars we travel in aint up for show? Just wanna park up and pitch up? I have a feeling my loop won't be 'exhibition' quality.

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Pete, whenever I have organised a Club Stand (which hasn't been that often) I include every one.

The day is about getting together, meeting the people and seeing their cars; whatever level they are at.

So turn up, park with the rest, wipe your pride and joy down, grab a beer and enjoy the day with the rest of us.

If your car is up to "Exhibition standard" it should be on the S&S field.

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Not sure Joe. I have paid upfront for my weekend pass and registered the Club Stand, but haven't heard back any details yet.

1. Silver! - Lupo GTI
2. Rich - **** MK2 Golf

3. Dz1981 - Lupo GTI
4. Pete - Lulpo GTI

1. Arosa.Al - Arosa
2. JoeA (lightweight) - Lupo

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