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Lorry pushing Renault Clio down the A1 (was "How?")


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jesus christ, he must of been asleep or on the phone, cant belive he dint feel any smashing or hitting when he struck the car in the first place,,

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Likely as not, the Clio has pulled out into the path of the HGV and hit their OSR with the NSF corner of the unit.

Awesome video though.

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Same thing happened to my stepdad in his merc clk240.... Bit of a bigger car to miss than a clio. Was some polish guy merged from the slow lane into the rear quarter of the merc and shoved him broadside down the motorway. Proper shook my stepdad up, unsurprisingly!

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Well the news story says she was unharmed, but still pretty shaken up I recon!

I'm not sure what you could do in that situation if your horn doesn't get through to the driver. I certainly wouldn't stick any part of my body out of an open window for fear of what might happen next...

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There was a thread on this on Edition, couple of people said they were lorry drivers and that area is a total blindspot. If they're both travelling at the same speed and the car cut him up, suppose the impact would be very light and they may not feel it.

Seems strange for that bloke to film it going past though, would have thought he'd get in front and try to signal to the driver!

You'd still think he would have noticed though!

I'd have well and truly shat my whack, if it was me.

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