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Little Green Giant

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About Little Green Giant

  • Birthday 03/09/1987

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  1. de cating isnt really the answer to this! haha
  2. look at you go! looks good man! i wouldnt have had it quite as recessed as this, but looks really tidy!
  3. no, planning on putting it all back in, but theres lots to do before that stage haha
  4. the game is on! this thing is coming back! Interior has been stripped down. clear canvas, clear mind. 'Test' wheels have been collected and plans are being put into place! WATCH THIS SPACE!
  5. Rich, it's not worth the effort to weigh it in may aswell keep it and make use of it.
  6. it is a little sad dude! haha gutted i missed ya! I ****ing love the ferry boat inn hahahaha
  7. ok so... long time no post! things have been up and down over the last year, bought and sold a few things, including the L30 PUL and an Audi ALLROAD and now my gti has also left us! this however means that all my time can be concentrated on Oscar! I have big plans but with big plans come big money and big reliance on friends, so what gets done will depend on those 2 factors haha! Watch this space
  8. ... a wild micky appears... see how he pouts his bottom lip to attract a mate
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