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Was 11/9 (as I like to call it) a conspiracy?

Mercifully, the TV content this year is lacking in all the X-File mumbo jumbo. The programme on Sunday with the telephone calls was powerful as was the 'real time' footage last night.

Any thoughts?

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I've been YouTubing and there's alsorts of crap on there.

Tower one was hit by a missile, that's why there is no clear footage of a plane hitting it at all.

Tower two was hit by a USAF tanker; it wasn't hit at all and all the footage is CGI; it was hit by a cruise missile that projected a hologram of a plane around it; John Denver or Emilia Erhart flew the plane; it was hit by a plane moments after an explosion from within etc etc :blink::wacko::blink:

The Pentagon was hit by a missile, there was no plane and there's virtually no footage of anything.

But mainly that it was all an inside job by the CIA to start a war with Iraq. Yeah right.

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I dont believe it was planned by the US government, i dont think anybody is that sick and twisted tbh. If it was planned then i think they would of made up the fact that they had a tip off, leaving enough time for every1 to be evacuated.

Although some of the points made on the conspiracy film do make you think.

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Course it was anyone that thinks planes alone could have brought down those towers is clearly in denyal that a government in the western world

would knowingly alow harm to happen to their citizens. The fact there is so many over hyped conspiracy theory's around it acts as a good shield


If a UFO came down in front of me and i filmed it only the slightly crazy people would believe it was real everyone else would think it was CGI.

A lot of reality is spoken by conspiracy theorists but they mix it up with a load of crap unfortunatley.

I do believe planes hit the twin towers that was reality and the cover story but as for them falling down from the impact that is pure fantasy it would

not have happened no way no how. American history is built on total corruption it should come as a surprise really.

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We went into conspiracy theories etc at college last year and some of the stuff we looked at was pretty interesting. The main points that made me start to think it could have been done by the US Government where the way the towers collapsed - If you imagine a heavy object hitting one side of a tower it is bound to collapse the other way is it not? Also, it looks like a controlled demolition (google that, loads of people researched into it for ages ;P).

The other thing was that the only other tower to collapse in the WTC Complex was Tower 7, which was the furthest away from the other two towers but coincidentally was also the one containing loads of Americas Debt records and financial information (you can read on here)

You can spend days looking through all of the conspiracy stuff and some of it is pretty revealing but to find the good stuff you have to trawl through hours of c^&p.

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I watched a documentary on the conspiracy theory online last year. The part that I found most interesting was the Pentagon plane...

There was a large hole going through the pentagon without any marks where the plane wings would have been, there werent any skid marks on the lawn and there were lamposts completely undamaged infront of the pentagon that a plane would have to have hit to get to the crash zone. Also, straight after it happened the cctv tape from the petrol station nearby was taken...would they really think that fast?!

Ah well, its done now anyway!

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I believe It was caused by an argument over which countries women had the best boobies.

Mmmm, good battle.

Extrovert U.S. boobies -v- Women don't even exist Arab boobies.


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The real time documentry was really interesting but really sad, it was horrible watching the fireman call there family saying their fine after the first tower collapsed, then they went and died in the second one.

The towers did fall very neatly and on that documentry there is footage inside tower 7 with lots of secret service emptying the building.

I dunno what to think tbh, conspiricy, real or a bit of both.

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I'm halfway through watching the real time documentary, it was really sad. It was fairly horrendous at one point, the camera focused on a fireman, i swear i could hear screaming in the background then a thud and the fireman flinched. Guess that was a jumper then eh?

Unfortunately, it's always going to be regarded as a major event so there will be conspiracy theories, I find that if I don't think too much about it then I won't feel the need to find out. I think it's a bit of a dark circle, if you start looking then you end up reading too much into it.

I might end up watching the phonecalls one on t'interweb this weekend if I can find it though although I'd imagine it'll be quite harrowing to hear some of the calls.

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I'm in two minds what to think about it. The way the Towers fell was just 'too' nice. The way they were hit would surely weaken one side of the buildings structure causing it to fall in an un-predictable way. How-ever, i don't think the "Government" (if thats what they want to call themselves) would plan such a devistating seris of events which has chanegd the world as we know.

Who knows.

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TBH the americans could make a conspiracy from something simple , so something like this will always have conflicting views of what should have or could have happened

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I'm halfway through watching the real time documentary, it was really sad. It was fairly horrendous at one point, the camera focused on a fireman, i swear i could hear screaming in the background then a thud and the fireman flinched. Guess that was a jumper then eh?

If thats the bit im thinking of, watch his eyes, he follows them all the way down and you here them smash on the floor. Its horrible. I cant even begin to imagine what effect that kind of event could have on someone, i mean, firemen/police/paramedics are trained to deal with it but surely no amount of training could stop you from reliving that moment.

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Theres also a bit when the girl whos filming when the plane hits the second tower says it could be chairs falling from the building but you can blatently see its rooms full of people jumping.. :(

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I'm in two minds what to think about it. The way the Towers fell was just 'too' nice. The way they were hit would surely weaken one side of the buildings structure causing it to fall in an un-predictable way. How-ever, i don't think the "Government" (if thats what they want to call themselves) would plan such a devistating seris of events which has chanegd the world as we know.

Who knows.

Eh? You think the collapse of them was set up? Thats a very wild thought

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