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How To Kill A Human Being

Clairey Fairy

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The only problem with bringing the death penalty back in a humane way for types like Ian Huntley is it would be giving him what he wanted - cos he keeps trying to kill himself anyway.

But there again I'm sure the government would save a fair amount of money if they did that.

Torture the lovely persons til they die, put them through the pain that they put their poor victims through.

Tottaly agree with u there! x

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bring back the death penalty i say for the worse crimes

costs too much money to keep criminals in prison for life, plus our prisons are over crowded now!

for persistent minor offences like shoplifting, cut a finger off like in arab countries. not sure how many chav's would do it knowing they risk losing fingers!!

just my opinion

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hmm strong opinions, in a violent sense.

surely public money should be better spent on making a time machine.

then we can all go back in time righting all the wrongs human kind has made.

a bit like quantum leap. but on a global industrial scale.

or we could just transport all criminals back to the time of the dinosaurs, equipping them with a plastic cafe knife and 3 waterproof plasters.

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Crack heads / heroin addicts and all the other ones that turn people into social scum, yeah, why not. Junkies made my life a misery for 2 years and I can't think of a single redeeming factor they have. feck'em, it'll stop them stealing your stuff for a hit. When I say misery as well, I don't just mean pain in the ass. I mean armed robbery so he could buy some smack!!

The kind of people who go mental off drugs are pussies anyway. So no loss there.

You can't really shoot people on the basis of 'could'. You'd need something a bit more substantial than could. If you wanted to you could go knock a load of people over in your car, doesn't mean your going to but you could.

Criminals have there roots in many things. Illegal DVDs, drugs, extortion, illegal movement of people etc. If you killed all the people that give money to criminals (albeit unknowingly) I'm sure you'd be left with a very small population.

Correct, and that wouldnt be right anyway. The death sentence is moronic just as the law can be, it doesn't really distinguish between different people in their individual circumstanses.

You mentioned shooting people who are destined to live their entire lives in prison, how can you distinguish between people who will and people who wont ?

Where do you draw the line ?

Also, i think anybody who carries out executions for a living is a complete idiot aswell, they are just being used like a pawn same as soldiers who go out to Iraq and Afganistan.

I met an ex mercinary once, who has diplomatic immunity. He's an old guy who is now an alcoholic, driven insane by his own concience, full of hate and regret.

They say bad people go to hell, but i think hell can be here for some people.

Edited by L119 UPO
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The kind of people who go mental off drugs are pussies anyway. So no loss there.

I find that comment quite nieve because i knew a lad who was Scitzophrenic because he took drugs, one day he violently attacked two people with a samurai sord, nearly killing both of them.

When he was finally apprehended by police, he fought off 3 or 4 coppers and still went down fighting when there was about 7 coppers. Now he lives in a padded cell constantly dosed up on antiphsycotic drugs and seddatives.

The truth is that nobody knows if or when a drug user will become ill in this way, it could happen to absolutely anybody. They also find that alot of people dont show signs of illness until they start getting old, but it could happen at any time in their lives no matter what.

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I fully agree with Kam.

People who say death is not a deterant just think how many crimes would not have been commited if cowards like huntley knew the conciquences. Try saying it is wrong if it was your child that had been abused.

Only problem is bullets still cost money and are better off putting holes in al queda fighters.

So my idea for murderers, smack heads, people who deal to kids, nonces and basicly all the scum of the world is..............

Club lupo, fetch me my....................................


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Sorry, on a minor diversion:

"...they are just being used like a pawn same as soldiers who go out to Iraq and Afganistan."

For which they volunteer and get paid.

A soldier, sailor, airman etc. knows what they are signing up for and we've all played chess at some time (some better than others) in our life, so yes they are pawns on the battlefield.

They are, and I'm not tarring all with the same brush, more than happy to take the Queens (tax payer's) shilling when they're ski-ing, canoeing or having an easy life in their barracks, but I can't stand the moaning of service personel and their families when they get sent into active service.

I do however agree with the argument of 'them' not having the best equipment or the best medical and after care available, but that is a different matter, which needs addressed by the MOD and the government.


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Should we shoot all the people that take drugs aswell ? After all, they could be destined to spend their entire lives in a mental hospital. what would that achive ?

Also, the drug takers are partly responsible for the worlds drug dealers and financing other crime. If we shoot all the drug users, we can nip the problem in the bud :)

I enjoy the occasional smoke of the Jamaican old holbourne. Also yes I have been diagnosed with HPPD a form of mental illness! It makes me a little odd at times, and I do have low level visual hallucinations every day. Have done since 2003... But I carry on with my life, enjoy it, love the people around me and feel valued that I contribute to society in the form of providing good customer service, do voluntary work and help anyone I can if possible.

I work for my living, a minimum of 50 hours a week. I have no intention to ever be put in a mental hospital, I'd rather die than be sectioned!

Theres no need to tar everyone who uses a 'drug' with the same brush. I feel if a drug affects someone in a bad way, such as shoplifting / theft to support a habit then they should be locked up and forced to go through withdrawal, detox and rehab so they can return back to society as a good person. Theres no need to kill off people if they make a bad decision in life, everyone deserves a second chance.

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I just returned from my 2nd and last tour of combat in Iraq 10 months ago (I'm retired from military service now). I don't see why Iraq/Afghan is even mentioned in this discussion . Yes!! I'm Pro-Death Penalty!!!!!

I also firmly believe if you have never been there/done that (Iraq/Afghan) than you need too S.T.F. UP about it, as you haven't earned the Right to comment on it!!!!!!!!


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Historically and sociologically speaking the death penalty has never been a proven practical deterrent, all the studies show it just doesn't work that way. But then again, nor does prison itself as a deterrent. You have to understand that the people who commit serious, and in the case of the death penalty we are talking about violent and sexual crime, do not consider their actions the way we do so punishment never enters their minds in the way it does ours.

IMHO the argument for introducing it as a deterrent is a moot point, so what we are saying is that we wish to bring it in as some sort of social justice, more accurately, revenge. Personally I don't think as a society we want to go down that road again, what does it say about us?

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Now if were talking about slow killings. Those sick f*cks that raped that girl and poured caustic soda over her to destroy any dna evidence deserve a very slow and painful death that reflects the agony she is suffering!

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I enjoy the occasional smoke of the Jamaican old holbourne. Also yes I have been diagnosed with HPPD a form of mental illness! It makes me a little odd at times, and I do have low level visual hallucinations every day. Have done since 2003... But I carry on with my life, enjoy it, love the people around me and feel valued that I contribute to society in the form of providing good customer service, do voluntary work and help anyone I can if possible.

I work for my living, a minimum of 50 hours a week. I have no intention to ever be put in a mental hospital, I'd rather die than be sectioned!

Theres no need to tar everyone who uses a 'drug' with the same brush. I feel if a drug affects someone in a bad way, such as shoplifting / theft to support a habit then they should be locked up and forced to go through withdrawal, detox and rehab so they can return back to society as a good person. Theres no need to kill off people if they make a bad decision in life, everyone deserves a second chance.

I was simply mirroring Kams views in a way he might be able to relate to, and understand. But he clearly thinks it's perfectly acceptable to "execute" people if they are destined to live their entire lives in jail, and even said in his last post that he would like to do the job himself for a good wage.

If you were to read all my comments, you might notice that i dont agree with any death sentence. Well maybe just for those who have ideals of ethnic cleansing, acts of genocide, prospering from the misery of others, and particulary those who infect the minds of others with these totalitarian ideas. <<< These people are a threat to everyones happiness, so it would be best to put them down.

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Just because I think its acceptable doesn't mean I don't understand what your saying.

I can see what you views are and I can understand why you have them / believe in them. But it doesn't mean I also have to have them just because on the whole people think it should be one way and not the other.

Just making the most of my free speech.

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I agree if someone has committed a crime or offence that requires a lifetime prison sentence, then yes I agree putting them to sleep in a humane manner is a reasonable outcome. Only though if it has been proven with full supporting evidence.

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