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Camber help!


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I really want camber on rear and I've heard you can do it with washers?

Can someone tell me how to or post a link where it says how?

Cheers Tom

Edited by lupotom321
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Is it dodgy using washers? I've heard a couple folk say that it is but surely it's pretty much the same as using shims?

well washers are placed round the stub axle bolts, shims are plastic disks which are set at and angle and cut out to fit inbetween i used shims at first but with the right angle set on the shims it gives you a bit of toe in aswell which you dont want as it increases tyre wear, this only applies if your lupo is lowered at the back if its not lowered at the back use shims if it is lowered use washers as you can get various sizes of washers to attain the camber you want without adding toe to your rear wheels p.s i have been running shims for over a year now and had no problem at all, and the racing team i used to work for also used shims they had a box with about 50+ different size washers in.

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Ah right nice one mate.

I'm going to be sorting the toe on mine later tonight cos i've been getting some really bad uneven wear on the back left. When we checked it last time (if i remember right) it was out by 40 minutes. Don't have any experience in this so don't really have much of a reference point as to how much washers will change the toe so the plan is just to try a 1mm washer, stick it back together and see how much a difference it makes and take it from there. From your experience how much would a 1mm washer make?

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do you already have shims or washers ? and guessing you car is lowered?

i basically have 2x1mm washers on the bottom two bolts and i have 1x0.4mm washers on the front two, so as your looking at your axle the bottom left is 2.4mm bottom right 2mm and top left 0.4mm. the two bottom ones create the camber and because the axle is in a different place to standard the smaller washers on the front two bolts evens out the toe in. to your question 2mm on mine with washers is noticable possibly too much if you have really low profile tyres.

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That's spot on mate. We were using a sibgle washer on the top left and bottom left and it was throwing it from 35minutes toe in to 45minutes toe out. We didn't have any thinner washers so we had to give up :(. Am i right in sayi g you need heavy duty washers and not just any old crappy ones?

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Camber is when the bottom of the wheels stick out further than the top (negative camber) and positive camber is the opposite.

Toe is when the left or right hand side of the wheels sticks out further than the other if that makes sense? It's hard to describe without hand movements haha

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toe is the horizontal angle of your wheels e.g. normal car have anything from 0.5 - 1 degree of toe in which has your front wheels like ... ( //---\\ ) as they are pointing inwards toe is used in racing to keep the tires under load this is to reduce tire roll and improve grip and performance this also eats through tyres so you do not want too much toe in on a road car which is why they have very little compared to the maybe 3 degrees which is used in racing ? is toe clear enough now, if not google toe diagram

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