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Everything posted by BridLupo

  1. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE find a club to join. At best on your own you will destroy the heli in 30 seconds. Worst case you'll end up seriously injured. www.bmfa.org to find your nearest club
  2. Make sure you get a really still day. Summer evenings are best.
  3. That is a good price. Flight time depend on how much throttle you use. ie high throttle gives less time. Charge time also depend how flat the battery is but from low to full should take around an hour. Also worth noting is do not completely flatten the battery pack. The lithium pack needs respect. They will puff up and not hold a charge if taken below 3 volt per cell. This is the best case. Worst case they will explode and set on fire. i've been using lithium packs for about 3 years now with no problems so far just look after them an heed the warnings. They are the same type of battery that were used in the apple dell laptops and some nokia phones. I would advise against charging in the the heli or your home for obvious reasons
  4. OK I think I'll jump in. I've been flying planes for getting up for 6 years now. Great fun and a doddle to fly. I started looking into helis for crimbo last year and settled on a Twister 3D. There are a LOT of cheap helis on the market and the bulk of them are garbage the Venom being one of them. There are a few helis at around the £100 mark including everything you need the Venom included and a lot of them are just junk which you'll never progress with. As I have previous flying experience the heli didn't prove much of a problem for me. If you've never flown before then I would definately recommend whats called a contra-rotating heli. They have two sets of main blades which turn in opposite directions. This gets rid of the torque problems of the body wanting to spin in the opposite direction to the main blades. They don't need tail rotors or gyros as a consquence. They are also very stable and tend to almost hover themselves. Therefore you have to tell them to move which is great for beginners. I've now flown quite a few small helis (please take into account generally the smaller the heli the more twitchy and harder control they become) and I can definately recommend this little thing. They come with everything you need including a new 2.4gig radio system and charger for the lithium packs. There are also plenty of spares available from SMC and lots of other web sites. They are very easy to fly and very stable for the above reasons.
  5. BridLupo


    Ouch how can you justify that sort of monthy outlay for a phone. I've noticed the companies are really bullying you into 18 month contracts by making the 12's really rubbish mins and texts or charging for the phone
  6. BridLupo


    My contract is up for renewal in 3 weeks and I'm really struggling with the decision of which phone to get. I was looking at the iphone but it's just too much money for not enough phone. So my short list is N95, 6500 classic or slide, another samsung (got the D900 at the moment). Hating the look of all Sony Erricsons at the moment and the keys just feel rubbish. I must say I thought I was stupid when I heard the iphone had WLAN but now I'm starting to think it would be quite useful if I was at home or round the better halfs. HELP BTW my current contract is a redemption scheme that costs £16.25 per month for 12 months. D900 was free and I got a further £36.50 Quidco for taking the contract out. I get 300 texts and 200 mins currently on Virgin and this is a nice amount for me
  7. Yeah I can see a few of those getting wellied at your windows
  8. Feeling quite good at the moment. I've been doing martial arts for the past 3 and a half years but thats about all the exercise i get now I have a desk job. Never watch what I eat I just have what I feel like when I feel like eating. Never really feel tired or lathargic unless I have a lot of late nights in a row, or stay at our lasses. I'm no body builder but I've not got any fat either my weight just stays at 9 and a half stone. I have noticed a lot of crappy skin since my parents went away for a fortnight so I've not been eating the best food
  9. Guy walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman. He gives her a quick glance, then casually looks at his watch for a moment. The woman notices this and asks, "Is your date running late?" "No", he replies, "I'm here alone.I'm just testing this state-of-the-art watch." The intrigued woman says, "A state-of-the-art watch? What's so special about it?" "It uses alpha waves to telepathically talk to me," he explains. "What's it telling you now?" "Well, it says you're not wearing any panties..." The woman giggles and replies, "Well it must be broken because I am wearing panties!" "Well, I don't believe it, he says,tapping the watch, "The damn thing must be an hour fast..."
  10. In a similar situation myself building my first site for a club i belong too. Learning html and CSS is quite fun once you get stuck in
  11. Some of those shots she has a resembalance of Sam/Amanda from BB this year
  12. They are rare only seen about 4. However I've never seen another TDi
  13. Can you not pull a sicky and not turn up at all
  14. My boss had the K750i and one day his games just dissapeared. Never came back either
  15. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoID=19037528
  16. WAAAY too many choices Forrest Gump should be high up at the top along with:- The Green Mile Pirates OTC trilogy Lord of the Rings trilogy Hot Fuzz Matrix trilogy The Shawshank Redemption American Pie 1 and 2 Snatch Lock Stock Million Dollar Baby 51st State Bad Boys and on and on and on
  17. Paddy's pregnant sister was in a terrible car accident and went into a deep coma. After being in the coma for nearly six months, she wakes up and sees that she is no longer pregnant. Frantically, she asks the doctor about her baby. The doctor replies, "Ma'am, you had twins..... a boy and a girl. The babies are fine now. However, they were poorly at birth and had to be christened immediately - your brother came in and named them. The woman thinks to herself, "Oh suffering Jesus no, not me brother...he's a flippin clueless idiot. Expecting the worst, she asks the doctor, "Well, what's my daughter's name?" "Denise," says the doctor. The new mother is somewhat relieved. "Wow, that's a beautiful name. I guess I was wrong about my brother....I like Denise. " Then she asks, "What's the boy's name?" "Denephew"
  18. It's a difficult one to call and he only had a split second to choose.
  19. Just so my better half knows what's what. It's called the MAN STICK
  20. First I was 11 going on 12 lasted a couple of years (learnt a lot). Had a 2 weeker when I was 15. A 6 monther when I was 17 (god she was a clingy mental psyco). Another couple before my fiancée. We've been together now for just over a year.
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