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Guest Lauryn

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Guest Lauryn

My skins been very sore for a while now and I finally went to the doctors last week thinking it was some sort of allergy, turns out I have eczema. I know this is a common problem that people get, but my skins been getting sorer and sorer to the point where I'm so uncomfortable I'm in tears, and I cant sleep :(

Its always very itchy all over, and I'm getting loads of dry patches, and I'm actually cutting myself in my sleep.

The doctor gave me loads of creams, inc a steroid based one called hydrocortisone, but its actually getting worse! Does anyone have any other suggestions? Help!

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Sun is always supposed to help skin conditions....but it's a bit of a problem when we've hardly had any!

Try to cut down on alcohol and caffeine, plus at lots of fresh fruit and vegetables (lots of A and B vitamins), some natural probiotic yogurt every day (but not too much, and try to cut down on other dairy as it can make it worse), and oily fish for the Omega 3 fatty acids :) And make sure you drink lots of water to keep your skin as hydrated as you can.

Although as John says go back to the Docs if it just won't get better even with the remedies you've been prescribed. You might need something different.

Edited by lunalupi
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Guest Lauryn

I dont drink alcohol or teat or coffee etc, and I always drink plenty of fluids. I've went for one or two sunbeds which seemed to help actually, but my dads been nagging me about them!

I try not to scratch it but in my sleep I'm actually tearing my skin without knowing!

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I have a little eczema on my hands which is annoying at times, but usually not a problem for me (gives me a reason not to do any washing up etc :P). Yours sounds awful. There are a lot of chinese alternative medicines around for it - although I've also heard that they have side effects. I've never seen fit to bother investigating further as I can certainly live with it to the extent that I have it, but it might be worth a look - make sure you investigate thoroughly though.


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I have had mild eczema off and on since I was a kid. Mostly have not had its since my 20's. A few things I have observed over the years:

Sweat makes it worse, it will often flare up in those areas that are prone to sweat. Remedy: try not to sweat, difficult I know, but avoid any chemicals like deodorant as they will tend to exacerbate it.

Stress could be a factor. I last had a bad episode when I was working 7 days a week and really overdoing it; try taking it easy like the Cadbury bunny.

Sun will help BUT it also dries out your skin so affected areas might get more flakey. Generally that's good as it means your skin is on the mend. Remember don't overdo the sun, too much sun will burn.

The hydro-cortisone creams will work but their effectiveness seems to reduce with use.

Its related to asma apparently or though I may be mistaken there; did you or do you suffer with that?

Anyway, good luck and resist the urge to scratch, its bliss for a few moments but then gives you grief later.

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Guest Lauryn

I have a few silicone and water based creams which do cool it for a while, then it gets sore again pretty quickly so going round in circles! Also been using the hyrdo cream sparingly as it can thin the skin and my mum had some problems with it a few years ago. I dont have any other health problems at all, no asthma or that. The doctor also told me to wash with one of the creams she gave me, and I bought some weird deodrant, so no chemicals etc are going on my skin - I midd my perfume and lovely body wash! I dont wear make up either unless I'm going out, so I doubt anything there would be irritating my skin. I think I'll start wearing gloves when I go to bed, could help!

The particularly dry patches have started becoming little fluid filled sores, god I must sound like a right minger!

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Have you tried E45 cream - I get really bad eczema on my hands and I also get the watery blisters... when they break the skin underneath is really sore... I do use the hydrocortizone cream but find that using it too much can make it worse (??) so keep my skin hydrated with E45 cream... you can also get E45 things to go in the bath and bodywash too... buy it at local supermarket or chemist... seems cheaper in supermarkets tho. Things like dusting, washing up and very hot water makes it worse.

Hope this helps (insert hug here lol)

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Guest Lauryn
Have you tried E45 cream - I get really bad eczema on my hands and I also get the watery blisters... when they break the skin underneath is really sore... I do use the hydrocortizone cream but find that using it too much can make it worse (??) so keep my skin hydrated with E45 cream... you can also get E45 things to go in the bath and bodywash too... buy it at local supermarket or chemist... seems cheaper in supermarkets tho. Things like dusting, washing up and very hot water makes it worse.

Hope this helps (insert hug here lol)

Yeah tried that too, I'm constantly covered in creams! lol, whats strange is that I actually have very soft skin, its just developing lots of dry patches and blisters, but the rest is still soft etc if that makes sense?! OK I think I'm going to use more E45 and less hydrocortisone, and wear gloves to bed! Thanks :)

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Guest Lauryn
Did you get any Diprobase from the Doc?

I have something called Doublebase, which is the water based one, I also have Aquaeous cream BP, E45, and Hydrocortisone 1% :(

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Guest Lauryn

Yeah I walk about smothered in cream all day long, my bf wont come near me at night cos my skins so greasy, and I scratch away in my sleep! lol, I think I'm turning him gay!

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Yeah I walk about smothered in cream all day long, my bf wont come near me at night cos my skins so greasy, and I scratch away in my sleep! lol, I think I'm turning him gay!

if nothing has worked i would suggest trying hemp from the body shop.

its about £12 for a tube but a little goes a long way. its amazing stuff!

you can notice the difference after one application!

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I have had eczema since a been a child. Since getting pregnant it seems to of got worse.

I got the blister stylee eczema on my hands a few months ago which flares up really bad when i'm stressed. The doctor gave me a cream which was a mix of steroid and that clotrimazole (that stuff for when ya have thrush) which works quite well but it can be soooo painful.

A few months ago I would quite happily of pulled all my skin off, i found the E45 bath oil helped (greasy as **** but worth it).

From personal experience I have found sunbeds help (but not too much or it can aggrevate it) and the hydrocortisone cream.

Also Kam....scratching it does come close to an orgasm when its bad!!! :lol: mmmm scratchy eczema orgasm!!

If none of this helps Lauryn we could start up a scabby skin club and have meets and judge who is the biggest leper!!

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Also Kam....scratching it does come close to an orgasm when its bad!!! :lol: mmmm scratchy eczema orgasm!!

too true lol...

i used to get in between my fingers and toes a sa kid, i was given the diprobase stuf in a big bloody pump container

it certainly cleared it up for years but i tend to get it wen the weathers good as sum1 mentioned before it seems to thrive in sweaty areas, sweaty palms FTW

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