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Everything posted by SARAHGTI

  1. First thing I wrote was "humps"
  2. I'm not a miserable cow at all, I just don't think its funny, regardless who posted it! I'm pretty sure calling me a miserable cow somehow breaches T&C too!!
  3. So does that mean Haemorrhoid cream gives you haemorrhoids? Cough medicine gives you a cough? Nit shampoo gives you nits? Meh...Fail!


    Yea he does/did...


    Haha you're like the spokesman for the area!! I think I was having a discussion about you the other night, my mate said he keeps seeing a silver gti with an italian lad driving, I said "Oh that'll be Luca", he saidit wasn't him. Then I thought it might be you, so I said "does he look a bit asian?" He said he kept seeing it at Cross Hills Coop but hasn't for a while so figured it must be you!
  6. Good god, how short are you?
  7. I did one in 2006, my ears hurt for weeks! 14000ft pressure is harsh!


    I'm quite proud not to be from Keefley!!


    Haha thought it might of been me for a second till I read the colour of the car! Not that I love McDonalds or anything
  10. I do Muay Thai kick boxing and its a brilliant work out and vents frustration/anger! Try get into a womens only group, I'm sure you'd enjoy it
  11. Its beyond me how you won "Member of the Year" to be honest!!
  12. Wow.....exactly the productive comments I expected from the low IQed ones on here!! I don't want to tell you the breed just yet, I'm keeping it a surprise for you!! haha But she's cream in colour!
  13. Stop talking crap on my countdown topic! I'm not getting a boob job nor am I blowing up the BB house, unfortunately! IDGM, I think I have thought of a name for the little beast but not putting it on here, I'm quite intrigued as to what stupid suggestions I will get on here! So female doggy names......
  14. Boob job! No not another child! I hate cats! Puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Not quite....but something new! I know you'd like it Pic!
  16. I'm starting a countdown to something super exciting....... 47 hours and 35 minutes to go!!!! :D You're welcome to guess
  17. Me and my brother both do kickboxing and we were discussing the other day whether we would actually be able to use it if someone attacked us. I think a lot of situations you would probably be in shock and freeze, however if someone was in my house I'd like to think my super protective mummy skills would kick in and I'd kick them in! I don't have anything to beat intruders with though, numerous times I've thought I've heard stuff, tiptoed downstairs in my knickers and a t shirt, then afterwards thought "seriously Sarah, what the f*ck were you going to do if someone was in your house, flash at them?!?!"
  18. Agreed! I think the women on here are more attractive than the men (I'm completely straight) and we're not as desperate! However I'm far too old for this "scene"/skater look which a lot of the guys on here seem to go for so doesn't float my boat!


    I like the Fox's Chunkie Cookies, the fruit and nut ones are yummy!
  20. Why are we miserable just because we don't like Football or it being rammed down our throats everywhere we turn?!?! Imagine if all you saw or heard of for a month was What Not To Wear or some equally rubbish program?!?!
  21. Thanks Silver! I see a World Cup thread is now littering the Drivers Lounge....don't worry I won't be going in it and I also won't be watching the games. I could see many of you were concerned with my ability to change the channel, just to assure you I have learnt how to change the channel in preparation for this awful time of year!
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