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Is it just me or is this totally taking the piss?


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My girlfriend goes to uni in blackpool and travels by train cause she can't drive. Anyway shes been home since she finished but her results are coming in tomorrow so shes gone back. Dropped her off to get the 4:45 train. Anyway, shes just rang me almost in tears because shes got on the train and shes been kicked off because half way through the journey they have decide they are no longer going to york but some other destination. So shes has no idea where she is so I told her to find an information point to see where she was.

Anyway, shes done that and she has to get a train to halifax an they can't confirm if there will be a train to blackpool from there. Its a bloomin' joke if they can legally get away with that. I mean she already has to swap trains once but kicking people off half way through is not on in my opinion. feck knows what time she will be getting back now, I wish I had just dropped her off now. I'd be just entering blackpool by now. Be back home for 10ish.

Train companys are bloomin' ****. Its like ther asking for me to come down to there office with a 2x4 and batter the crap out of the lot of them. Shes stressed enough with moving back home into a new house and finshing uni and a load of other stuff without this.

Nout pisses me off more than things that piss off my missues!

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If had two trains refunded in the last month, one with Virgin, who gave me a cheque for the full amount, and the other with midlands who gave me traveling vouchers.

However, both services gave me a complaint form on the train, so I didn't have to do much legwork really.

Hope she gets at least a full refund! But your right, trains are w@nk!

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my g/f gets to work late every now and then because of the trains.

this morning the ticket window was shut and the train just didnt turn up, no clue or idea as to wear it was. so she got a taxi into manchester and then had to get the train from victoria to swinton and that also didnt turn up!

they just done realise that trains turning up late or not turning up at all could cost people there jobs!

there goin on about the congestion charge comin into manchester but what they need to do first is sort the fkin Public Transport out! its an absoute disgrace!

nuff said!

Edited by 2001gti
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I hate trains also, after they tried to charge me about £150 for London to Manchester. If they want us to use public transport why make it 3 times the price of driving?

Tell her to go to a customer info place and tell them she has to reach her destination and make a fuss, they cant leave you in the middle of no where, esp if they changed the destination whilst on route.

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150quid???? jesus

i travelled home for an interview from richmond in london to vauxhal and from vauxhall on the underground to hueston and then to manchester on a virgin train only cost me 61quid and it would of been 62return.

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150quid???? jesus

i travelled home for an interview from richmond in london to vauxhal and from vauxhall on the underground to hueston and then to manchester on a virgin train only cost me 61quid and it would of been 62return.

I didnt pay that, it was a walk up fare and because it was peak time. I had to wait 2 hrs until it was off peak though! Usually about £56 standard saver fare I think.

If you book it in advance you can get it for £20 return though.

btw, it is euston.

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trains piss me off.

I went to a fast ticket machine the night before I travelled to London a while back.

no tickets came out.

complained in the morning.

ended up paying £130 for a return on the day.

pissed off was an understatement.

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let's go throw a graff up trainside , window down whole car, reading " tosser'S"

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Why do girls always do that… Bursting into Tears is really going to help! Got a same call from my Mrs after she couldn’t fly home and was stuck at an airport! Owned LOL:

Going back to trains………That’s why if I can ever help it i never use public transport...... I was reading the other day that stage coach must pay the Department of Transport £374 million for a New Franchise! To recover these costs Stagecoach sent out a staff memo to ticket wardens to say No excuses for not having a ticket they must fine the passengers... Even if the ticket office was closed , or even if the passenger had to wait more than the 3 minutes at the ticket office which is a government guide line to how long passengers had to wait... You used to be able to say that as an excuse as to why you were unable to purchase a ticket before travel...

Well a funny thing happened to me……. Long story but I got 10 hours of work to kill!

A couple of weeks a go I almost got thrown off the train on the way to Gatwick.... I was going on holiday to the Caribbean and was on the Clapham Junction to Gatwick train during rush hour….. So nice to see everyone going to work when you are off on holiday….. laugh.gif style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":lol:" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> So no ticket as per usual. Ticket man comes round one stop away from Gatwick…with his penalty fair side kick in tow…. The ticket wardens now walk around with another person who issues the penalty fares... They just say talk to my colleague please. I knew the deal as soon as I saw them…I had my bank card ready. So the ticket inspector asks for a ticket and I said one ticket single from Clapham Junction To Gatwick….His reply was talk to my colleague please…. So I said one Penalty ticket to Gatwick please…..She starts moaning at me as to why I didn't buy a ticket... getting her little kick from her position of power! I just handed her my bank card. I knew the deal….. So not bothered about my fine as the amount of times i haven't bought a ticket and the times I have been caught are well in my favour so far..... I thought fair enough.... But she went on and on and on , she tried to tell me off like a little school boy i politely said ‘’Just do your job and write the ticket out.. You’re not paid to lecture people. She went mental... All I heard was abuse back in her strong now very raised Jamaican accent…. The whole train now listening…. I think what wound her up more was that I was saying everything with a big smile on my face! Ha ha ha. After I felt she had said her bit I just said, Your Mother must be well proud of you, Was this the best you could do after school, handing out penalty fares on trains and trying to lecture people on ticket buying…I stood up and pulled my bank card out of her machine as we had arrived at Gatwick.. She hadn’t even started punching in prices etc.. I pick up my case and said if you want to book me you got to do it on the platform as I am not missing my stop.. She started telling me I had to stay on the train to sort it out as I walked off saying you don’t have any powers of arrest…So I carried on walking her shouting and following me…. Shouting come back here… I was almost laughing my nuts off by now….. So I get on the platform of Gatwick with her shouting at me. Some station guard now standing next to me…… I said to him completely ignoring her… Mate can you sort this penalty fare out on the platform… He said yes so I just walked off waving at her and went with the station guard so he could get his ticket book etc She was still shouting abuse hanging out the doorway of the train…. Best £20 I ever spent…. It worked out that I got charged £11 more than my ticket….

coffee.gif style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":coffee:" border="0" alt="coffee.gif" /> laugh.gif style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":lol:" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />

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Women are crap. They always ring you when you can't do anything for them so they can tell yo uthat your a **** for not helping laugh.gif style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":lol:" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />

SHe got home eventually. Around midnightish, although she was happier today cause she wanted a 2-1 in her degree and now shes got it!

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lol when i was in austria i got a call...........

2 am , "keith the boiler won't ignite"

wtf.... i hung up

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lol when i was in austria i got a call...........

2 am , "keith the boiler won't ignite"

wtf.... i hung up

i have had the very same... the lights wont turn on in the bedroom... fricking bulbs gone than hasn't it!

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