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Everything posted by Linz

  1. Some more ... Look closely ... it's a cheetah!!! (one of only two in the whole park - that they are aware of) Brave or stupid???
  2. A few more from Pilanesberg This female lion actually crossed the road up ahead while we were looking at a rhino, she was disappearing into the long grass by the time we made it to the where she was. This big guy walked up the road in front of us for ages, stood to our left, then crossed the road and headed up a hill. We caught him coming back down the other side, crossing the road again, and lying down in the middle of the grassland.
  3. I got back from SA last week, thought I'd post up a few animal pics. They are nothing outstanding ... nothing beats seeing them in real life. Pilanesberg National Park
  4. One of my friends got her last one done at Angel Art - but she prefers Skull too. Its a black design on my back. Got it when I was 16 (a couple of days after xmas) cos he wouldn't pierce my tongue!!! Don't regret it, but its probably not exactly what I would choose if I was getting one now. I keep thinking I want another one then changing my mind. Was thinking of some kind of design on the side of my hand going onto my wrist, but I keep changing my mind so not going to bother just now.
  5. Where you getting it done? Skull in Leslie did mine. Byron is thinking of getting one shortly, but isn't sure where to go.
  6. I haven't worked it out for a while, but my combined figures (20 miles motorway, 5 miles urban each way to work and back, and other tottering about) was anything between 38-40 mpg. That was worked out by filling tank full, driving (noting mileage), refilling and working out the mpg from the amount of fuel I added to fill again - not just from how much the tank holds etc.
  7. Linz

    Scottish VAG

    About 1 h 30m - 45m if you get a good run, a bit longer if you get held up going through Glasgow.
  8. I put his new flashy colour on so I could see him! He even went swimming in a burn - but he's proper hard core.
  9. We had a tiny wee flurry about 7-ish this morning for a while. The flakes were so small it had melted before it landed. Was 2oC when I was out with the dog tonight though. I had my snowboarding trousers and jacket on, and my big wooly scarf, hat and gloves!!!
  10. Yeah. He doesn't want to bother with it as he wil have to borrow one!! At least it would be over his trousers!
  11. So far I have for him ... White round neck shirt, white braces, black boots, bowler hat, false eyelashes, walking stick, and a dagger. He still needs white trousers and a cod piece! I have been so busy forgot it was this Friday!
  12. Byron and I are going to a party on Friday - me as an evil fairy (crap I know but I have all the stuff handy!) and Byron as Alex from A Clockwork Orange. It's pretty easy and not a lot required. Amy Winehouse was my other choice, but I wasn't feeling the tiny denim shorts!
  13. I don't get why it would be necessary to post something between you and Ben? Would a PM/email/text/phone call/msn not suffice?
  14. As above - when I asked the guy to tell me exactly how they would repair it he was very vague and umm'd and ahh'd. My car was due to go in and get the full re-spray the next month so my painter asked me to find out if they were going to be cutting the section out and patching it, and if not, then tell them to leave it and he would repair it properly himself (if they were going to then all the better, let them fix it - one less job for him). The guy told me in no uncertain terms that they definately would not cut and patch the roof, and that it would be rubbed down and re-painted. I wasn't convinced so went with the peace of mind of getting it repaired myself. Although, if you have a search for the original thread, there are quite a few people who did have it repaired by VW and seem to be happy. Chances are if my car wasn't being repainted the following month I wouldn't have enquired so in depth and just gone ahead and got them to do the repair under warranty. As it happens I am still waiting for them to call me back to let me know about their application - to let me know if VW are in fact going to do it under warranty!!! I feel I might be waiting a while!
  15. Mine went a few months ago. I got one on mates rates from the dealers. They are £300+ if you just buy a new one, but nearer £200 if you return your old one. Don't quote me on the prices, just off the top of my head.
  16. That's crap Ray! Glad you and the car are ok!
  17. Even if you were in credit, if it was only estimated, then you were underpaying. We were in the same position - I used to always pay quarterly when the bills came in (based on my meter readings), I switched to monthly direct debit and they set the limit I was to pay each month. I never got a bill for 9 months (they had taken it upon themselves to switch me to yearly billing) and called up to get one, and it turned out what they had set the DD at was almost only half as much as was required to cover the bills (probably due to energy price hikes). So we had a shortfall to pay. So it sounds like you will probably have to pay up - with the only argument being your final meter reading on the date you moved out (if that does not tie up with the bill).
  18. I have one - 2005. What do you want to know?
  19. I try my hand at snowboarding in the winter months (if/when we get any decent snow!), and occasionally go into Xscape to the indoor slopes throughout the year. I also have an interest in photography and painting - but I am rubbish at both! I just don't have the eye or imagination.
  20. I agree it is pretty annoying, but all the postage costs are made pretty clear ... just not that they don't combine them! I did the same to begin with and assumed I would get combined postage - clearly not! It's like folk on ebay selling for "BIN" 99p, and charging £20 postage. Just need to keep your eyes open!
  21. I was parked in the sun so mine was melted. But the crabbit wifey from round the corner (who parks in MY street , and always outside MY door) was facing the other way and was scraping away at hers! It was 3 degrees at 8 o'clock!
  22. Linz

    Virus help

    I just restarted again and I got a box stating the the Windows malicious software removal tool had removed it. I remember seeing the word "malware" (as mentioned above) mentioned somewhere in the details too. Cheers for the help anyway, but fingers crossed it appears to be ok now.
  23. Linz

    Virus help

    I turned the lap top on tonight and got a pop up window/balloon from the tool bar in the bottom left hand corner of the screen saying "You have a security problem" - with a small red circle with a white X in it. It is coming from a small red shield (like te yellow one for Windows updates) with a white X in the middle. If I click on the icon on the tool bar it disappears and reappears about 10 seconds later with another pop up / balloon. If I click the balloon it opens up a window claiming to "Virus Scan 2008", or "AdWare ..." "Scan ...." etc etc etc. All of them look clearly fake, telling me I have serious security risks and need to run scans etc - and want me to click on "OK" or "Scan" accordingly (I haven't!). I have McAfee Security Centre and ran a full system scan - it found one potentially unwanted programme (or something of a similar description), which I removed, and a trojan which it quarantined. I have since re-started and its still there!!! The window pops up every 10-20 seconds or so. If any one in the know on these things has any help / advice it would be much appreciated. Cheers
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