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Everything posted by Linz

  1. Bought a new laptop at the weekend. I have downloaded and am now using Firefox. One question ... is there a way of it remembering forum usernames? It comes up on a bar at the top asking if I want it to remember the password, but I am looking for it to autofill/suggest the name after typing in the first letter (as IE did). I don't want the passwords remembered as Byron and I both use a lot of the same forums. Help please?
  2. Byron and I will be there - though it'll probably be a fight as to whether we take the Lupo or the Wagon!!!
  3. That seems very cheap!!! As said above - if you can get good recomendations for the place then go for it!
  4. I used to have mine on the passenger sun visor, but my dad (who is a policeman) kept threatening to report me if I didn't sort it!!! I now have it cable tied to the bottom grille, and just snip it off and re-attach it when necessary.
  5. Glad you had a good time - can't wait to see the pics! My mum and step dad arrived this morning! My pics are further down the page - nothing special, a few animal ones from Pilanesburg and Lion Park
  6. Has anybody heard of Microsoft having major problems with IE just now? My mum told me last night that one of her friends had had a problem and lost years worth of archived emails. Says he received an e-mail from Microsoft saying that they had a problem with IE they couldn't solve and were advising people to use Firefox. I said I couldn't see any way that they would tell their customers to move to one of their competitors products/services!? Anybody heard anything? Surely if there was a huge, irrepairable problem with IE it would tell you as soon as you tried to use it?
  7. Aw thanks Claire! I am so pleased with how all these photos turned out.
  8. Awww, love it! ^^^^^ Nice picture.
  9. IIRC there is something in the manual about not starting the car and leaving it running to warm up, but to drive it to warm it up.
  10. Cheers! I was really pleased with it - except their comment on my photo as Colin pointed out above!
  11. And no! We have got as far as the Escort being moved out of the unit, but the caddy has slotted nicely in its place! Cheers Chris!
  12. Lupo = 130 Passat = 170 Skyline = 400 (approx) Caddy = 70 Golf = 105 Jetta = 0 (engineless!) Corsa = 150 Ducato = 170 Total = 1195 We have too many cars/vans!!! Average per car 149.38bhp
  13. He was at it last weekend to sort it for selling, but I fear it may get forgotten again as he has just bought another Dub - a Caddy van. He is a nightmare. I keep seeing new additions, but none of the old ones seem to be disappearing! I am told that the Corsa will be away before christmas, and that the Escort van is being scrapped ... we'll see!
  14. I think if you are going to start trimming more than seats and doorcards - i.e. dash etc, then you need to go the whole hog and do carpets, rooflining etc = £££. My car was never started with the intention of taking it as far as I did, it is still a daily - so practicality and sensibillity prevails! (And lack of any further funds to spend on it! ) A few pics from my Max Power shoot (going by a post on here a couple of weeks ago, let the slating commence! ) out now! (Pictures courtesy of Ross Thomson, Quantum Capture Photography)
  15. I am not averse to having a go at things, but have an boyfriend who loves tinkering with cars and is pretty good at it - so in all honesty I have never really done much 'personally' to my car other than regularly clean it, change wheels, clean/adjust coilovers etc. But whenever he is doing things to it I am there handing him the tools, greasing bits, handing them back, and generally helping. When I (we) did my car this summer Byron did as much as he could himself - breaks, BMC, modified sub frames on the porsche seats, wiring for seats and boot solenoid, changing steering wheel, stripping car for painting, putting it all back together etc - and I helped by making rolls/tea etc, putting stuff in boxes, tidying up, and polishing the wheels. But when you look at my car, you can't necessarily see the all the hours and late nights we put in - you see the paint and the leather ... which we paid someone else to do. We chose the colour, all of the body mods, the leather, the style of the stitching, but weren't confident enough in our facilities or abilities to get a decent finish so paid someone else to do it. I doesn't matter to me either way whether people do it themselves or pay someone else to do. When you stand and look at the car in the show field, and have no prior knowledge of the car, how do you know if they did it themselves or paid someone loads of £££ to do it. If you like the car, you like it - you don't like it, fair enough! Yes, I agree that someone you does it themself, in most cases, does maybe deserve a bit more respect for having a go, but someone who doesn't do it themself does not deserve any less respect for not doing it themself.
  16. Byron had a black E30 325i sport. It was a cool car! He just slammed on it a set of Alpinas and it looked mint! Don't know if I have any digital pics (it was in the olden days .. about 6 years ago) I'll have a look. I found it like a tank to drive, but I was only 17 and hadn't been driving that long, so I suppose anything bigger than my Saxo would!!! He loved it and totally regretted selling it - it was such a fun car. One of our mates is currently selling a silver one - totally mint. ** Found this ... Ok, not of the car, but its there!
  17. A few pics from the Lupo's Golf+ photoshoot ... (photographer Ross Thomson, Quantum Capture Photography)
  18. I loved the elephants. They looked liked big, gentle giants ... but they destruction they did was mental! Ripping trees out by the roots and flattening everything in their way.
  19. It was really good. The lions in the lion park are used a lot for filming, and there is a guy there, can't remember his name, but he does a programme on Sky3 - Dangerous Encounters I think - he gets right up close and personal with them ... its pretty amazing. A bit like a South African Steve Irwin. The National Park was amazing cos the animals are totally wild and fending for themselves. It was a bit of a shame after that to see all the lions at the lion park inside the "not massive" enclosures. But it was good to be able to see them so close up, and the cubs were sooooo cute!!! There were about 10 in total aged between 2-4 months. The white lion cub was so cheeky ans was really trying to find his roar!! A few more of the cubs ...
  20. Pretty much as above, but fortunately not done anything yet that I haven't liked!
  21. Taken in the Lion Park, Johannesburg, SA (19/11/08)
  22. A few from the Lion Park, Johannesburg...
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