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Rosie Arosa 97


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Hwy Guys.. im a new member here.. i just wanted to show you guys what i have...

my pride and job.. i bought myself a seat arosa 97 with 57 thousand mile for £800....feb 07 i found it on ebay... no1 bidded for it.. (it was 900 on ebay)

but i noticed it was in Leicester.. which isnt that far from me... so me and my dad went to have a look.. (we contacted her 1st)

my dad took it for a drive.. cus i only jsut past my test and wasnt confident enough for a full test drive.. i had a little drive round a car park tho.. i loved it..

steering amazingly light :D.. so i haggled it down to £800 :D gave her 100 pound deposit.. and my dad picked it up the next week...

it came with nice kenwood cd player aswell.. which is nice.. full history.. serviced every year.. till i got it :P silly me..

its only a 1.0 .. but that pretty much perfect for me.. since im quite young... when i bought it it had about 57k miles.. but it now has 67k... still quite little concidering it is 11 years old :P

since last year i have had to replace the exhaust.. for a mot..

and i bought some new hub caps.. cus 1 fell of and i lost it.. and i couldnt hack having 3 anymore lol...

iv reasontaly took a couple of badges of the back. :D which looks tons beter..

im not quite sure whats the best thing to do to get the sticky stuff off tho.. ?? any advise would be ace.. iv removed it and the stuff that holds it.. but a faint outline is still there.. will that go in time.. or should i use somthing ???

anyway.. here are some picture..


HDR Image





i would love to know what you think... :P

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thanks for the sticky remover tip ant.. il look in to that..

i 4got 2 mention that i have wired some mos 6x9 speakers to my parcel shelf.. i used a tv type connection tho.. 2 make it easy for me 2 removed the parcel shelf if i wanted to... strange conection yes.. but it works fine.. :D

and yes the speakers fit just nicly.. used some foam stuff around a couple of bits.. so it look realy gd..

um future plans are.. i would like some nice wheels idealy... i would love some little deep dishs or some Porsche rims.. :D

and lowering also.. but not sure if im propared to mod my car when its just a 1.0 not sure if i will be frond apon..

i would also like to buy some new wing mirrors.. so that i can have them red...

i have to add i know very little in how to do anything to my car :P

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yeah i want to lower it.. but av looked in to a little bit.. and what iv read so far is i need some coilovers...

and i looked in to prices and like 400 pound odd came up.. thats half the price of my car..

am i reading the wrong places.. im a student so im not exactly well off :P

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nice wee motor, looks very clean. Im on phil j coilies, good job for the money. Just lower it and do cheap mods like taking rear wiper off, stubby aeriel, debadging, chrome indiacator bulbs etc.... will make it a different car for little money.

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Nothing wrong with modifying a 1litre - especially early red mk1s :shades: Just don't try to make it something it's not (i.e. fast!) and you'll be fine. Lowering and alloys, in that order, are good to start with though.

I like your car, it looks just like mine used to when I bought it, even down the the reg number and the dumbo-ear wing mirrors! :D

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thanks guys...

yeah things i hate about my car .. include.. the wing mirrors.. i want red 1ns realy.. not sure were 2 get them from tho.. and if its hard to fit..

um wheels.. .. i want something spangly.. .

and ride height... ideal for the amount of bumps were i live.. but cooler to be low :D:D:D

um and yeah i wouldnt mind removing the seat badge from the front..... i want people to be confuced to what it is... most people already are.. but yeah i want it to stand out a tad...

thing is about my car.. its realy load loll.... i got the exaust fixed and now its realy realy beefy.. iv past 2 mots with it.. so theres nothing wrong acording to the garage... :P awsome

.. just anoying on motorways.. cus i have to go over 60 for it 2 get quiter :P

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Welcome to the forum mate, thats a cracking car for £800!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would be happy with that!

Why dont you get the wing mirror covers painted! Any body shop will do them for you!

Have a look in this readers rides section, there are plenty of us with Mk1 Arosa's on here, Lunalupi, Deathhead, Talboy and myself have some fantastic looking Mk1's all of which are diffrent! may give you some ideas!

Removing the Rubstrips and badges are allways a good look!

Luke :)

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Im from wellingborough.. ... gd 2 c someone local to me :D

ahh yes that part looks good 2 me.. very tempting to buy it..

what part is it exactly?

is it just the grill without the badge? or is it the plastic bit under it aswell without a dent inwards for badge ?

and yeah i got well lucky with my car...

it was on ebay for 900.. and went i went to c the bird who was owned it.. she was like um i want 800 ..900 for it...

so i said il have it for 800 then lol.. haha.. she was young and thai and was moving back to thailand.. so needed to sell quickly..

plus she hardly drove it over the year.. she only took it to the shops.. thats it....

so last year it only had 57k miles.. which is mad low ....

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Its a direct replacment for the standard grill, it took me less then 5 mins to fit, it will leave the cut out in the painted trim underneath where the badge use to be but its not to bad, if your that fussed you can get it filled and smoothed.

Just sent you a PM to!

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Or you can leave the big Seat badges on but blacken them like mine ;), just another idea.

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. iv always wanted to remove them.. i want to give a bit of mystery 2 my car ..

people dont know what my car is around were i live.. if i remove the badges people will get even more confuced.. which is always nice.. and makes people think...

i fixed my clonking of my door 2day.. it was alot of effort tho......

1st of all i had to drive 30 mins to garage.. they didnt have it in stock so i had to come back next day...

then i got the part...

2day i tryed to fit it.. only 2 find there is 2 screws that i need to fit it.. so stupid.. u would of thought screws would come with it...

so i complained on phone.. then drove all the way there again.. talked to manager.. he had a look 4 2 screws.. found some that fit..

then he was like these will be charagable.. i was like parden. as i taped stuf in to the computer... then i was like what are u talking about .. they should off been in the box anway.. i just payed 17 quid for this part off you and it doesnt even have screws in it... then he was like ahhh dont worry about it.. he didnt seem happy tho... i was jsut like chears .. cya :P fitted it just outside.. : but after closer inspection 2 my old part.. it is probly in good nick it just was only atached by 1 bolt :S so thats probly y it was clonking... oahh well.. im happy its ok now.. even tho it probly cost me more in petrol than it did to buy the part lol... yeah now that i have the door fixed.. my other door sounds like tis gunna go ... it probly just needs a tightening.... if only i could find the right tool.. :P

glad its over..

next job.. wing mirrors... and grill .:D

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  • 1 month later...

i feel like changing my wheels a bit.. at a cheap cost..

so im thinking of just buying some cool looking hubcaps for now.....

i put to gether some pictures and come up with sumit reasonbly cool..


what do u guys think.. ?

im thinking of buying these hubs from ebay.. then masking bits spraying them..\

or i could always have a look at the scrap yard.. might be a gd idea..

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yeah.. i want to...

slam it on hubcaps! thats what i want.. :D

um.. another idea is to spray some hubcaps black.. but with a red ring around it... :D

i photoshoped what i would love to happen to my car..


(Rushed so not completely acurate :D)

influences from EaRNi are obvious

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