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  1. Ok, so i had the engine warning light come on, diagnostics said it was the egr valve. to replace its minimum £130 but i have heard you can remove the sensor all together? sorry i am a complete newbie at this, i know the valve is water cooled so what would replace it if i were to remove it? because obviously it would spew coolant out, am i right? grateful for any help! (Y REG 1.0 Arosa s)
  2. Hi, a bit of advice please. Just after new year while cleaning my Arosa (2004 1.4s) I noticed the coolant level had dropped below minimum. I've had the car from new and never seen it drop. After a bit of a Google, I suspected there might be a leak so decided to take it into the garage. They investigated, couldn't find a leak, but changed the thermostat and coolant. All was well, but a week later I noticed the temp gauge was not moving on my commute to work (~8 miles mostly on dual carriageway). Some further Googling led me to change the temp sender unit, but I lost some coolant in the process and topped it up. Now the gauge moves up to 70 degrees, but never hits the 90 mark that it has done for the past 10 years. As suggested elsewhere on this forum I've run the engine with the expansion unit top/ filler cap off and the in-car temp whacked up full for 4/5 minutes and the gauge didn't move and the fan on the radiator doesn't seem to come on. Any ideas what the problem might be? Cheers.
  3. deewhy

    No brakes

    HELP! I've Installed the cupra/focus master cylinder, bled the lines but have no pressure. Pedal going to the floor. I have the 3mm spacer between the servo and the master cylinder. Any ideas appreciated
  4. Hi all, I have a seat Arosa 1 litre and I was just woundering if I can get anymore power out of it? Just using the Arosa for a run about for when I get a caddy. Thanks
  5. Hello, This is my little Arosa s, 2003. The first day I got it ... It has some bad points, the paint has faded (milky lacquer), some peel on the roof and has had a bump on the bumper... So once it was home, t-cut, polish and wax + removing the bump strips Got a new head unit, and a tiny aerial.. no pictures though.. So after a few weeks of hunting on gumtree and trying to save money for a set of wheels, I finally got a set! I managed to get them for £90, shame there wasn't any tyres. Still cant fit them because of this! Anyway, some more gumtree searching, and I picked up a set of lowering springs 40mm and wind deflectors for £55! Which was fitted today Boyfriend and his brother doing the work And after! Isn't an awful lot lower, but much better and affordable! And, only placing the wheels to get an idea how they'll look... So that's it for today, until next week when I hope to get tyres... Any feedback is welcome!! Thanks, Sarah
  6. right guys, I don't know if a problem occurred but today I've drove over 100 miles (whoops) lol but from the whole way home about an hour and a half of driving the temperature never reached the optimum 90 where it normally sits, it reached 80 and then it would go to 85 then drop again to 80 then it would drop below that and then rise to 80 again ?! what would make this happen? im sure it's not normal as it hasnt happened before!
  7. Right guys! I have my mot booked for saturday (aaahh) for my little 1l arosa and I have question to ask?! I have stickers on my rear window all down one side (which you'll see on my newbie post) and basically I was wondering if I'll have to take them off for mot? Could they fail it for obstructing vision ? And my air fresheners hanging from my rear view mirror!? Hopefully she passes!
  8. right guys last august i got my first car a 1.0mpi Lupo got it for the silly price of £420 this is how i got her 15" nasty alloys and 55-60 mm lowering springs and nasty little wing mirrors so i got bored of how chavy it looked with the 15" multi fit alloys made it look then ended up with 5 sets of 13" steel wheels after a fight with a badger i had to buy a new lower bumper, rad, rad fan and slam panel (lower bumper was from a lupo sport so had fogs and was colour coded) other than getting the fogs working the pic below is how i sold her !!! sold it for £800 !!! i got my new car last month bought it after a friend sent me a link over facebook as i had been talking to them about my shopping list of things i wanted in my new car. Dark blue MK2 Arosa Sport with less than 75k miles for less than £1500 less than 6 owners as standard as possible (you wouldn't believe how rare they are) so this is the car i got Dark blue MK2 arosa sport with 73,600 miles 5 previous owners standard other than some nasty hellfrauds wheels and a de badged grill and all this for well within my budget so after having the car for 5 days i spotted a set of month old coillovers on a facebook page for just £80!!! so when my friend asked me to go with him to London for some sound stuff for his car i hitched a lift and stopped off on the way back for my coillovers (lucky friend found a mk1 arosa boot in the blokes shed and got it for silly cheep and a little bonus there was an MS design spoiler bolted on it) so when i had a week off work i put them on and borrowed my mates BMW E30 BBS 14" 6.5j with 165.60.14's on and with a little bit of playing with the front and with a bit of camber I managed to get the tyre past the arch on the front and wind them all the way down I have more plans for the car so il try and keep you posted HID's next week and more lows very soon thanks for reading if you see me around or at a show give us a wave (i will be on club stand with Lincs.V.A.G for a few shows)
  9. hello there! I want to remove the bump strips off the sides of my mk 1 arouser lol. I was just wondering is it easy? I would imagine there will be an obvious different in shades of colour! but my concern is, are they just glued on or are some clips?! thank you
  10. hello there need a bit of advice! a couple of days ago I had my cambelt and water pump replaced! since having the car back I have noticed a slight whistling noice, hard to explain?! basically when the revs get to about 2-3000 it starts then when I change gear it stops until the revs build up again! I never noticed it before it sounds kind of like when a turbo spools ?! (maybe he fitted a turbo instead) hahaha or am I going mad? what could this be?
  11. took my rear suspension out today to change them to coilovers and the bump stops are shot to hell. i was just wondering if its worth upgrading to polybush ones or is it better to just get genuine bump stop replacements? thanks.
  12. Hello everyone, i'm a newbie here :-) got myself a seat arosa mk1 for my first car only a 1l, cheap and cheerful (apart from the insurance)! no mods so far, apart from debadging her and some stickers , but getting some new plates, wind deflectors andsome new shiny wheel bolts for christmas, so i can be rolling on steelies! that should neaten her up abit! not sure why the photos came out so big hahaha stupid photobucket!
  13. I have changed my mind in kitting out car I'm going to race tune it.
  14. First of all folks, hi and i'm hoping your Arosa knowledge may save my wee Arosa from the dreaded crusher. Its a smashing second car for our family, but it looks like it might be "recycling centre" time. I have a 1998 Seat Arosa 1.0 that quit on me the other morning, It wasn't pulling great in third up a steep hill that it normally goes up OK, then a mile or so later lost all power and I parked up. tried to start it and it felt like it was running on 3 or possibly 2 cylinders it was that rough. Wouldn't take revs and spluttered to a stop. tried it several times to no avail. Went back three hours later to see if cold start helped but no, same thing. Have had a garage check plugs and leads ( all changed about 3000mile ago), compression test and it has been on the same petrol this last two weeks. Got it plugged in to diagnostics by an auto spark and there are no fault codes showing??? I am left thinking it may be either lambda sensor/throttle body/ecu fault. Car has 60 odd thousand on it and no problems starting or running up to now. Cam belt was done at same time as plugs leads etc ( April). Help.
  15. I'm thinking of fitting front fogs to my Mk1 'rosa and i've been looking through ETKA and it seems like the front bumper lower section part number is the same for both the Arosa Mk1 and the lupo, can anybody confirm that the lupo section with fogs would fit on a Mk1 bumper?
  16. Hi guys, got a 53 plate Arosa mk2 recently and was wondering if any of you have any ideas I could use to make it look a bit better?
  17. hi guys, i have a 1.0 2001 arosa s with the exhaust emissions warning light on. it has come on a few times, flashed a few times then gone solid. every time this happens i pull over, switch off the engine, wait for about 10 mins then start it up again and the light goes off. the day before last i was driving back from bristol to cardiff (not far) when the same thing happened. i pulled over and did the same as always but this time the light stayed on, and is still on. Recently when ive been starting the car, the revs rise to around 1400 as usual, then as the revs drop with the engine going into idle (to about 850rpm) it cuts out. this happens around 5 times out of 10. also there is a smell of unburnt petrol in the air when it finally starts up. its very sluggish, looses power occasionally, and hesitant to pull off at lights. spoken to a few people they think it could be either egr valve or llamda sensor but its difficult to say. really hope anyone can help me! thanks for readin'
  18. ok, so ive been have problems with my remote key for a while now. at first my central locking wasn't working, i did all the recommended things, new battery, new fuse and trying to re-program it still couldn't get it to work. now when I try and start the car with that key it wont start, it will tick over and occasionally start but only rev once and then die again. the spare key works absolutely fine, starts the car first time. can someone tell me whats up with it, I don't particularly want to fork out for a whole new key if possible. thanks!
  19. Hello, I'm new to this forum, and was hoping to share my Seat Arosa, although I cant seem to figure out to put a picture up! I'd like to start a thread on here for the start of this project, to document it... And hopefully get some constructive criticism were needed! Anyway, the name is Sarah and i'm from Northern Ireland. Hope there is some more of you from over here! Thanks
  20. I have been trying to get a hold of some alloys for my 1.0 2000 arosa but i dont know what im looking at ! All theese random numbers ! Just want some second hand alloys worth under £100 that will definatly fit !
  21. took my rear suspension out today to change them to coilovers and the bump stops are shot to hell. i was just wondering if its worth upgrading to polybush ones or is it better to just get genuine bump stop replacements? thanks.
  22. ChrisDunne

    AUX belt

    Hi everyone, I recently had to change the alternator in my seat arosa mk2 1.0 after attaching the alternator I could not figure out how to get the aux belt back on as i cant seem to get the belt to stretch enough to put one of the wheels back on? can anybody help me with this? Thanks
  23. Welcome to my build for my arosa, Got quite alot planned and only just starting .. got my car away before Christmas and not actually done anything! but heres what ive done already and what has to follow.. JUN - 2012 , wheels ( ats cups ) and coilovers are bought will be fitted soon. JAN - 2013 , front bumper smoothed down along with a debaged grill and fitted lupo lights to the rear.. future mods in the works, golf recaro interior, double din head unit, new tyres for some stretch and more lows Updates will continue to get posted If you like what you see leave a comment! Is there anything you would like to see done next or any suggestions please hit me up
  24. This is Rory my 1.0 mk1 arosa s This is when I got him 6 months ago Completely standard except for some smoked indicators Picked up some jom coilovers and bought a set of bbs reps off a friend After running those for a few months I fancied a change Tried on a couple of friends wheels 16" steels Compomotives 15" Then I found a set of rota zeros on here from vwcal so snapped them up as quick as I could They were 8j et0 on the back so I was quite worried how they'd sit on my standard arches Luckily a friend is handy with a copper hammer and flattened them for me but they still poked out a bit much for my liking so I added some camber Pretty stoked how it is now Plans are to get bigger spacers on the front and some new seats Thanks for looking
  25. Hi Guys, Just go a 99 Seat Arosa 1L last week. I've been driving 2cvs for the past 5 Years so its my first modern car and its a new experience for me. Power4 steering heaters, adjustable seats, rear wipers, a head unit and a timing belt. lots of things I've never had to deal with before. Any tips for surviving her would be greatly appreciated :-)
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