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twisty b-road

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Everything posted by twisty b-road

  1. My Precious Fantastic Sunday afternoon or Monday night Tigz?
  2. Obvious troll is obvious Please do not feed the troll
  3. Agreed. It's no way near the worst dbw throttle ever, but still your point stands
  4. I enquired about this at VW when my car was about a year old after someone had mentioned it here. I was told by the service manager that as well as changing the cold map, it adds some hysteresis to the accelerator, deadening the sensitivity of it. So you will get smooth driving for the few seconds when cold and then for the rest of the year, you won't have such good throttle response. Whether this is true or not I don't know, but 20 seconds of kangaroo juice isn't worth a slower-to-react accelerator.
  5. This is your problem. You're not even giving the dampers a chance to damp. How heavy are your wheels?
  6. 4 mouse clicks and about 25 seconds Still on the front page of JCs section of The Times http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/jeremy_clarkson/article6907747.ece
  7. I didn't foresee that the instant you sent me pics of it. Honest.
  8. Let me guess, you left the road sideways or backwards in the S2K
  9. People are moaning about Jonny getting us prime time exposure of something we already know? Get a grip. Feisty little legend. Leg humping enthusiasm. Naughty. And you moan. Seriously. Get a grip. The market will decide the price. He's just done the market a favour.
  10. I'm in a band It's called JiMMy BiZZlE iS A **** I might get "band" for that, but you'll still be a ****
  11. Grip does not equal handling The car that but the biggest smile on my face ever had 165s, 45bhp and 4 gears
  12. I can't have you going back to cliosport.net going on about how sh!t Lupo GTIs are when you dropped the damn thing on its arse "cos it's euro innit"
  13. Pick it up 15mm at the front and 25mm at the rear and tell me how it is Don't listen to the ghey-wheels and decked-is-best crowd
  14. Much rather have a car that impresses girls than one that impresses hairy arsed men
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