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Everything posted by DyDy

  1. This is 8.25J ? and on 195/45 tyres?
  2. hello.. Dont´t you have a problem with "stabilizer" (I don´t know, how its right in english; torsion rod to chassis)? I have only lower springs with sh.-absorber, probably -80mm (maybe more) and now I cannot go lower, because the "stabilizer" now is cca 5mm from chassis/cabin. How can you go lower without cutting to chassis?? Now it´s my lowering: https://fbcdn-sphoto...095496634_n.jpg
  3. Some Pioneer and now under it is Axton AB20A A lot of bang for little money
  4. DyDy


    Do you mean flip this component (turn down)?
  5. DyDy


    No one knows? I don´t believe..
  6. Brno, Czech republic
  7. New wheel look:
  8. DyDy


    hello.. Dont´t you have a problem with "stabilizer" (I don´t know, how its right in english; torsion rod to chassis)? I have only lower springs with sh.-absorber, probably -80mm (maybe more) and now I cannot go lower, because the "stabilizer" now is cca 5mm from chassis/cabin. How can you go lower without cutting to chassis?? Now it´s my lowering: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/q77/s720x720/430074_4663125346649_1095496634_n.jpg
  9. jeah.. thats what I mean. Look cool, good work.
  10. ...but if the vinyl is only the color part from picture, on another background (than white) it will not looks good, like on this picture
  11. But it´s something different.. I don´t many like it, it is not so easy as I originally wanted
  12. ohhh... now I see, the URL is different
  13. Well, 8Jx14" ET25 normally fits just right ... to millimeters Now it must go down..
  14. I just created the designs, the decision is yours..
  15. But 1st is more funny and childelike (light infantile), like Lupo is.. (my opinion)
  16. Maybe..... but I like it less.. So, it's up to you.
  17. So, but the logo must be only one, isn´t it? I´ll transform the second one to better. But who is the person, which say definitely "yes, it will be our logo"??
  18. That´s only gauge of lines. Which font is better? If you want it..
  19. And what about something like this?
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