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I had an interview for a graduate engineer, done really well I thought. Maybe not as a month later I hadn't heard, so I phoned and was told I had the job and a letter was sent. He said he would send it again. I was over the moon so handed in my notice, turned down 4 interviews and told all my friends/family who were chuffed.

Phoned the next week as there was no letter. The manager was away so was gonna get back to me this week. So I phoned today and I was told that I never had the job. So now I look like a complete tool in front of everyone and feel like crap. How do I tell my friends I'm a failure? Plus all those interviews I turned down which I never had before

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School of HArd Knock Lesson no.31:

Never hand in your notice until you have a written agreement of the start date.

Yes I'm afraid you look like a tool and it will take a while to live it down.

Bad news, though. Can you go back to your old employer cap in hand? It'll be cheaper for them than re-advertising and going through a recruitment and selection process.

Good luck!

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I know, and I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks so it will become even harder for me to find a job. I was due to leave my old job on Sunday. It's probably too late. I just hope I can get round it

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I know, and I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks so it will become even harder for me to find a job. I was due to leave my old job on Sunday. It's probably too late. I just hope I can get round it

Just have a word with them and say you no longer wish to leave, can you withdraw your notice? I did that in my old job (then chucked it a few months later lol)

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That's pretty harsh! A mate of mine was meant to start a new job on the Monday, decided literally the day before he didn't want it so phoned the agency to say he wasn't going and sorted it with work that he'd withdraw his notice!

Sounds like they got you mixed up with someone else!

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I've got a 2:2 BEng in Mechanical Engineering. Missed out on a 2:1 by just 7% in 1 exam. Out of 10 modules needed to get a 2:1, I had 9 at the correct grade. And the module I failed because of the exam I got the best grade in the coursework :( I just graduated in July so still working at B&Q until I get a proper job

My Dad is quite angry and phoned him up. He says the guy is adamant that he never said he offered me the job. I think he must be to embarassed to say he has mixed me up with someone else

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pm me your Cv if you're interested in a oil and gas draughter/designer trainee type position in dyce, probably doesn't pay that much but more than b&q and good prospects (proabbly abour £15-18k range). If it's something you'd be interested in i can get it added to the top of the pile if it's still open.

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Its hardly your fault mate.

Admittedly as said you should always wait for your written offer before doing anything else. But people won't laugh at you for it as its not funny, you must be and are gutted.

Its easy to get excited about things like this so I feel sorry for ya mate!

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...pm me your Cv if you're interested in a oil and gas draughter/designer trainee type position in dyce...

Sounds interesting does that Crusoe, though little far away for me to take advantage.

Mouse, hope you manage to sort something.

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