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Avoid E5 petrol


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Just had to replace a fuel pump on my 2000 lupo. Don't know if anyone has mentioned this before. But it turns out the E5 petrol corrodes the petrol seal around the fuel pump. I already know about this issue, but thought it was on old cars like MGs and triumphs from the 60s and 70s

Mechanic recommends sticking to the E10 premium stuff (whatever it's called)

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I think you mean the other way round. E5 has 5% ethanol, E10 10%. E5 is always better than E10.

Nothing wrong with the stuff if it's used fresh, but as it ages it absorbs water and then the ethanol (alcohol) oxidises. Oxidised alcohol is..... vinegar (also known as acetic acid), which corrodes loads of stuff.

But in any 2-stroke carbureted engine, only use E5, because as the alcohol vapourises near the jets, moisture condenses out in the throat. And those droplets make cold starting really difficult.

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Never thought of it turning to vinegar but that makes perfect sense. I always use premium E5 in my motorcycles because if I don’t use a full tank and they end up not getting used it preserves the tank and carbs better. 

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