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VW Lupo 1.0, missfire at cylinder 4

Sandro da Silva

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Hello guys,

I've bought myself a 2001 VW lupo 1.0. It was 500€ but it came with the engine light on. We suspected that the car was running on 3 cylinders, and today we got that confirmation. It had an error in the 4th cylinder. We replaced the candles, the coil and checked the cables as well. The car smells like gas every time its starts, as well when its stationary and I rev it, so it doesn't seem to be the injector (we think).  Does anyone know what it could be? Thx

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38 minutes ago, Sandro da Silva said:

I wanted to , but don't really know how to do it.


I mean, i know but its hard to find someone that has the utility to do it. Also, the car has been sitting before the sale for 2/3 years. The car also, sometimes, seems like its running fine after the start but 1/2 min after it, it seems like its working bad again.

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