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Everything posted by 243

  1. I cant find it either, it saus here is your link.. But where!? I cant get any of them to work I bet thousands of people are DLing now!
  2. One, another Last one style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> EDIT: also a couple of promos for ep 9 ep 9 preview another
  3. They are, but here's some conti's @£60 each tho Continental 195/40ZR16 80W TL XL FR Sport Contact 2 conti
  4. On 195/40 tyres you should be fine. You could get problems any lower though. PM NBFR he has 16s on his TDI n thats on coilovers.
  5. I like the colour, the interior - cream leather. luxuriousness of the car in general. and the power. Also the rarity. Well its not so much rare, but its certainly no vectra or mondeo.
  6. SAAB 95 Vovlo T6 facelift a4 Legacy B 4
  7. Lancer 4 Cat D leon cupra 2004 cupra
  8. style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blush:" border="0" alt="blush.gif" /> I know, what a night to choose! Thankyou for the lovely stars though style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumbup:" border="0" alt="thumbup.gif" />
  9. Ohh I get it now, so ethan was there tampering/using someone elses blood in the blood test to cover up the fact that she wasn't preggers - then the confirmation of the test (innacurate) So they did that so julia would realise that she was intelligent enough to go and lead the team in portland.. Also did they run her x husband over with that bus? Yes they were spying on her, but how were they sure on that day at that time that he would be in the road?
  10. Ahh Widmore, Des' birds dad owns that company? The big screen thing was f*cked up - maybe all the recruits have been through that - because otherwise why the hell would they want to be there, Alex also said in a previous episode to kate ' they will kill your boyfrind, just like they have mine' - he was not dead. Ethan is a dodgy character.. He seems to have a thing for pregnancys etc. I cant remember why Sun couldnt concieve though, wasnt it just because of Jin's sperm? and she actually got keith cheggered up by the other guy?
  11. Join the club mate, I hear membership is free now..
  12. But the losties plane crashed sometime in 04 - I think, well from what I can remember when Desmond was looking at the system faliures ' i crashed your plane' log.... so aren't we ahead of them by a few months? But I'm not sure you meant that anyway.. Did you mean that she turned up on the island as a result of the terroists whole 9/11 thing? somehow.
  13. If she was getting boned in your car she wouldnt give two shinies if the surface your/her juices dribbled on was wipe clean or not! So I think she's want a bit of cloth action on the seats.. unless she has a thing for leather style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blink:" border="0" alt="blink.gif" /> style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":confused:" border="0" alt="confused.gif" />
  14. She would be **** in bed anyway. I'd put money on her being a right lazy ******* in the room of the bed.
  15. Agreed! Was great to watch. Its the best series i've ever seen. I love it.
  16. Ep 7 another its on sky on the 10th, this sunday. Try the 2nd link the Fileho. good quality and quick transfer only took 32mins
  17. 243

    aroas mud flaps..

    Here are some fanny mud flaps on ebay flaps
  18. Is that the 'N I've been saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaved by a woman' guy? I like him.
  19. 243


    Im actually really **** at washing cars, I go outside all pumped up with a good attitude.. then half way through I get bored and cold (in todays case) and lose my arsedness.
  20. 243


    Few more of the dirty bitch border="0" class="linked-image" /> border="0" class="linked-image" /> border="0" class="linked-image" /> border="0" class="linked-image" /> border="0" class="linked-image" /> border="0" class="linked-image" /> border="0" class="linked-image" /> border="0" class="linked-image" /> Now all clean! (ish) border="0" class="linked-image" /> border="0" class="linked-image" /> border="0" class="linked-image" /> border="0" class="linked-image" /> border="0" class="linked-image" /> border="0" class="linked-image" />
  21. Yeah I toally get where you're coming from.. But i'd use that example if your mate was wearing a shocking outfit.. You'd be like.. err maybe you should change. But in this instance he has posted up a pic of his tat - obviously chuffed to bits with it and its obviously un-reversable. So at the end of it, your critisism aint goung to help at all. But we are all different and I respect your views and the way you go about doing stuff. style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />
  22. We all have our own opinions. But sometimes I can't believe what people say on here. For instance if someone posts up a pic of their car, then they are obviously pleased with how it looks and want to show it off ( the same instance with the tatoos). Then you get people slating it. I would never dream of doing that as ( i know it sounds gay as) but it can be really hurtful to hear. I've seen cars on here I dont like.. so I just keep it zipped. I for one think the tat looks great Gaz - and I know you dont need reassuring either. You dreamt of it.. you went out and got it. Good for you. People probably think I'm sloppy as f*ck now.. but thats just me.
  23. Yes check that ****, theres a threado n here about it somewhere, probably dont read it though as it might give some stuff away.. I found the first couple of episodes a bit poo, but give it a chance - Its great.. also found this site where u can stream tv shows.. here
  24. Do some bloody research! google your query, search on here! At least try!
  25. 243


    Feel free, you and Joe should come and give it the works! style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" />
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