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I seen a guy demo'ing one of these diffusers and it was pretty good.

Most of the ones out there including the one on that link actually send a jamming signal back to the gun which they can tell - cos it comes up 'jammed' on the read out...

But this one sent an error signal back.... my argument was could they not tell from the error signal that something was dodgey? Aparently not... if the copper moves at the last min while pressing the trigger that can cause an error or even if he dont hit your car in the right place....

It got me interested anyway...

It was also sold as a garage door opener with an optional unit that you could install at your house to enable a garage door to open or summat like an outside light that would enable as you drove up.

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It's a race between the jammer manufacturers and the gun manufacturers - the latest jammers will bring up 'error' codes on current guns (rather than 'i've been jammed' codes), but then the next gun released picks up on that jammer, and so on.

Number plate diffusers and stuff can work well, but the trouble is that in order to work against speed cameras, they will also be visible to the naked eye, which means you're going to get attention from the fuzz.

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the reflective number plates ...

there a few ways of doing it, if you look closely at the number plate you will see that the yello (or white) part is made of that reflective stuff. now you can also get it in black, so the idea is to have the number part reflect too, so when the camera takes a pic the whole plate lights up and you cant read it ...

i have heard painting it in gloss varnish also works, but i wouldnt try that wink.gif style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />

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Expect major fines and possibly `jail-time` if you get caught using one.

I reckon you should get one Sheldon...

Well that shows just how much u like me laugh.gif style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":lol:" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />

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