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Everything posted by BenLAST

  1. Why wouldn't you? The box depends on what sub you are running. If anything, the box is more important than the sub. So if you get the right sub for the size of box you are building, then it would be fine.
  2. Could someone possibly do the following in their spare time? Looking at: -Gloss black all over with yellow lip (just the lip, not dish) -Satin black all over with yellow lip -Gloss black all over -Gloss black centre (dish left silver) If a better picture is needed let me know. Ta in advance, Ben
  3. A mate of mine was pulled the other week for tints on the front. Police officer said that any tint on the windscreen no matter how dark it is is illegal (apart from the sunstripe) and the front windows must allow 70% percent in. Sometimes the law differs from what the cops actually do you for, leaving the possibility of getting out of it, but highly unlikely. Lucky the cop had no testing equipment on him and let my mate go.
  4. Recaro's will be having a test fit tomorrow as i'm off to Reading now! Pics to show
  5. How have you held the t-piece down? Need some ideas. Ta.
  6. Recaro's out of a mk4 Golf 5dr. Going to my mates now with them to mod the frames. Should hopefully have pics up tonight.
  7. Interior looks awesome. Not keen on the shape of the front seats though, i must say. Love all the attention to detail.
  8. Haha i'm glad some people like it. I love the way because they are all seperate stripes its not perfect lines so it makes it even more confusing to look at. Theres about 60 stripes of tape on there, all matched to the next and then cut. Was a loooong process. EDIT: Also picked up some Recaro's out of a Golf today, which will be going in tomorrow after some modding to the frames. Still awaiting boss kit for the Sparco wheel...
  9. Its a roll of tape so there all thin strips
  10. No doubt i'll be at the next one with some nice tasteful changes.
  11. That would have been me indeed with my gf. Anyways, shame you don't like the petrol cap, as i and some mates spent an age doing this last night. Car is filfy though as i was parked under a tree than leaked its contents this morning.
  12. Still awaiting the boss kit to fit the Sparco wheel, becoming a bit of a pain in the ass now. Might be able to pick up a front bumper off someone i know with the recess filled in, so that might feature soon. My mate also just wrote off his Fiesta, and i managed to convince him to buy a Lupo today 1.4s in Jazz Blue. Big plans for that so i'm sure you'll see it on here.
  13. Was a good night indeed. Shall be getting some of the pictures up later today.
  14. i may or may not be there now, depending on whether i have broken my wrist. will find out tomorrow.
  15. I hope not to be the only Lupo there this time then!
  16. Was gunna say, thats not even close to looking like a Mini from the top pic.
  17. Updated original post with new location!
  18. Can't wait to come and see this later Rich, looks awesome!
  19. Spent an age giving it a proper polish the other day. Bonnet bra come today, and i found some checkered tape, which firstly we went a bit crazy with, then reduced it down. shall get some pictures of that another time.
  20. Ahhh i went from Mini to Lupo. Still got the Mini though, just minus an engine. And it was actually very similar to yours.
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