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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/20/2024 in all areas

  1. So after my encounter with the deer 🦌 I've finally got the car back to a presentable and drivable condition albeit a few parts still needed, I managed to get a radiator surround and grille and had a few issues getting the indicator panel but ended up buying a brand new one, I also have a second radiator surround as a spare after finding a lupo in a breakers yard so I got some other parts for free, the main thing I was needing was a bonnet since mine was in need of replacement from a bad paint job and rust all over couldn't believe my luck when I found it in the scrap yard almost mint condition too just needed a good polish up.
    1 point
  2. Decided first to take off whats broken and then make decisions, newest update: its not that bad and will be doing a bigger job at once: fixing the rust over the window cince its cracked anyway and making the manual transition. Am marking all the connectors before I forget what goes where. since i have two weeks of vacation at the start of august i should have plenty of time for all this
    1 point
  3. Oh and for what happened was theres new asphalt it was just slightly wet and I happened to look down after starting to accelerate from a green light, didn’t notice cars stopping just after they started moving. Rather than releasing the brakes(ABS is off at the moment since there are no brakes) and avoiding him fully to the right I couldn’t manoeuvre and smashed at around 30km/h ;D. Quite a jump I had
    1 point
  4. Sooo, good news for you guys, lost attention for a moment and now im thinking of parting the Lupo out, I’m assuming some of you guys would be interested in lighter doors or boot lid or anything else it still has intact
    1 point
  5. Cheers dude! Oh really? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a blue arosa tbh. Always silver or red mk2’s. And I’m based in Lincolnshire, little village called broughton
    1 point
  6. Thank you so much!
    1 point
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