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Posts posted by Sirsmudge125

  1. I just did something like this on my dads Evo 9... Get a touch up paint kit :) admitadly, if you look t it really closely you can see a dip in the paint work where the scratch is but its hard to see looking at it even closely :)

    Halfords sell good kits but its worth while getting one from your mian local dealer :)

    All the best :)

    tom x

  2. when my pedle box broke, I rang my local VW dealership... (Lookers, Lincoln... Yeah named and shamed... Appauling dealership, avoid if possible)

    this is the convo...

    Me - "Hi im needing to order a new pedle box for my Lupo Reg X*** ***"

    Bloke - "...And what happend to the old one?"

    me - "Gone for a walk... It broke lol"

    Bloke - "okay well you will need to bring it in first as i dont think you know what breaks off the pedle box"

    me - " No.. your right... Although..."

    Bloke - "...What?"

    me - "Im holding something... oh wait.. its part of the pedle box"

    Bloke - "are you sure?"

    me - "i took it off the pedle box.. im pretty damn sure.."

    Bloke - "okay well for £45 quid we cn check it out for you a quick inspection?"

    me - "Good bye"


    okay not a lie... but they were useless :P

  3. Hey rob, The symptoms which ive got and heard of my self are :

    Grinding into reverse.

    Hard to change into gear (for me Especialy 1st - 2nd)

    a nice creaking sound when you put your foot down on the clutch pedal

    And a main give away is the Clutch pedal is lower than that of the Break.

    The part that sheers off is like the stop for the pedal. so if it was to go... youd have to really put your foot down in order for the clutch to even remotly work.

    One last thing, look beind the clutch pedal and youll see the stop im talking about, the clutch cable is fed thoughn there. There will be a crack or signs of fatigue on the side of the uni where it connects to the rest of the pedal box.

    Hope this helps


  4. Hey sounds like the same roblem i had with mine... What i did was i took off the hydraulic breaking cylinder... turned out the notches which hold the break shoes central and flat with the rum inner diameter had snapped and bent off so when i took the drunk off, the shoes went with the drum.. easiest way is to remove the Break cylander and then blead the breaks when finished.. new parf form GSF auto parts i think was about a £10 or less...

    this might not be it but it sounds a hell of a lot what happened to mine.

    Hope it helps and sorry for the lateness of this message :P youve probrably finished it now :P


  5. Hope these help guys....

    The snaped clutch part of the pedal box (still stuck above the pedals)


    The steering column HAS to come out... seat is negotiable, but it will be near if not Impossible..


    What it looks like at the moment...


    Seat is out... (THE KEYS ARE IN AND TURNED SLIGHTLY TO TAKE OFF THE STEERING LOCK) Do not try to torun on the ignition if you havent disconected the negative from the batery... if you have give it 15 - 20 mins or Air bag will pop (apparently)


    Pedal box removed and we can see the damage... the peice of metal to the left of the clutch pedal is what snaps off.


    BEfore i took everything out.. this is what the pedal box looked like after the breakage (you can just see it)


    Finaly.. The area which is snapped (the spot weld remains attached to the pedal box... however, the component doesnt....


  6. Okay, heres the pictures....

    The snaped clutch part of the pedal box (still stuck above the pedals)


    The steering column HAS to come out... seat is negotiable, but it will be near if not Impossible..


    What it looks like at the moment...


    Seat is out... (THE KEYS ARE IN AND TURNED SLIGHTLY TO TAKE OFF THE STEERING LOCK) Do not try to torun on the ignition if you havent disconected the negative from the batery... if you have give it 15 - 20 mins or Air bag will pop (apparently)


    Pedal box removed and we can see the damage... the peice of metal to the left of the clutch pedal is what snaps off.


    BEfore i took everything out.. this is what the pedal box looked like after the breakage (you can just see it)


    Finaly.. The area which is snapped (the spot weld remains attached to the pedal box... however, the component doesnt....


  7. Hello

    I've finally got myself a Lupo and I wish I'd found this thread before I bought it - I just thought the clutch needed adjusting!

    Icegeezer (or anyone that's done this themselves): do you have to disconnect the steering column to do this? Are there any particularly tricky bits to look out for, or is it just generally fiddly and quite a long job?

    Thanks to everyone for all the information so far - it could well have saved me further outlay for clutches and gearboxes...

    Hey ninety... Yeah the whole steering rack has to be removed... lay in the well of the car (remove the seat) look up and youl see the top of the stering rack is held in by 2 sheer bolts, these have to be drilled (chizeling didnt work for me)But make sure someone holds the wheel before you drill them both out :) then if you have not done so already. remove the bottom of the steering column (DONT DROP THE BOLT) and it should just pull up and out :) see www. facebook. com / tdunning and go though my pictures, im still in the process of replacing it...

  8. anyway, the parts you'll need from a VW dealers if you wanna attempt this job yourself are...

    X V6X2 721 115 G new metal pedal box. £36.62 incl vat.

    X V1H2 721 169 plastic balljoint clip inside the brake pedal £5.01 incl vat.

    HEy alex... Thanks for informing me on that £5 ball joint clip.. they quoted me £25... lets jsut say negotiations are taking place and i WILL be getting it cheaper.. :)

  9. hey guys... just so you know im going though the same thing with the pedal box..

    pricings wise...

    Pedal box with no accessorys, just the box itsself is £38.96*

    Plastic clip behind the break pedal to the Brake servo linkage... £25*

    if you can... DONT BREAK IT!

    Sheer bolts X2... £3.57*

    I was looking for pictures on what too look fore before risking it for a biscuit and i couldnt find any.. so i took some myself. there on my Facebook page if you want to see the progress so far.. www . facebook . com / Tdunning

    and look for my "Damn car..." picture album... still half way though repairs at the moment as VW arnt in gear to get my parts...

    if anyone needs a hand with the job.. contact me though here or my facebook :)

    Oh... and if you want it to be doing FOC... your car has to be under 5 years old*, under 999,999 miles*...

    (* - All representative of Lookers, Lincoln on outer circle road.)

  10. Hey all, currently going though the pain of replacing the crappy pedal box and getting it form VW..

    Just a run down though the aprts im having to buy... dont do waht i did and assume....

    the prices are as accurate as Lookers Volkswagen, lincoln

    Pedal box (no pedals or accessories.... Just the box its self)

    asumption price.... £25

    Real quoted price.... £38.96

    Plastic clip for ball joint rod on the Breaking servo

    Asumption price.... no more than £5 (after all... it looks like its cheep anyway and its easy to make)

    Real price.... £25! (bloke said "its because its part of your break pedal")


    Shear bolts (Have to be removed...)

    asumption price.... £1.50

    Real quoted price.... £3.47

    By the way... You can get Goodwill on the car if this was to happen in lincoln... however... Car has to be under 5 years old, under 999,999 miles. in lincoln anyway... and they were not budging on the thing either...

    okay the main reason of this post aswell is that i have some pictures up on my Face book on my progress though replacement. Really is not for the faint hearted lol but the pictures are at.... www . Facebook . com / Tdunning (just click on my pirtures and theres a folder called "Damn car...") again these are mainly just so you know what to look for if you think the pedal box has becided to give up the ghost.

    the plastic clip is a horrid pic.. mainly cos THAT cost me £25... robing lovely persons...

    its half way though repairs at the moment... VW just rang saying "someone accidently canceled your order, we have reordered it, here 2morro" so keep up with it if you need to see the extent of the work that needs doing.

    if anyone needs a hand doign this... contact me hough message on here or Facebook me.

    take care guys

  11. Haha! all i did was play snooker and fail psychology, tech and physics :P but hey each to their own mate! (y)to be honnest though, it was a right laugh :P

    haha katie, im thinking Blue with go faster stripes?? or even better.... Battery in your bag powering neons!! :P what you think? :)

  12. sorry i forgot to ask. when it comes to parking up. do only the best cars stay witht he club lupo lot? im wanting to do up my car but im on an extreamly tight budget so its not done up. just doing some light mods atm on the interiour and ive got a few scratches and a dint int eh offside wing from the previous owner. so would i park away or we all staying together like a unit?

  13. aww katie sorry to hear about that. sounds like a right laugh (E38 does anyway)well if you do go we will know who you are :)

    Good luck with it (Y) and 6th from in that mater (Hated it... got a engineering apprenticeship instead :P)

    Take care


  14. hey all, just wondering how to fix the air blower nest to the drivers window. the grille which directs the air flow has been pushed in thanks to one of my mates and i cant fix it. Ive hoped it was the little panel underneeth the switches but its simply just a plastic panel too make it look good.

    Hoiw di i fix the unit to fit to the facia again?

    tryed elsawin but got nothing. is it a dash board removal? and if it is, how do i go about it? going right though the interiour so i wanna fix it asap.

    Thanks guys :)

    P.s its a 1L lupo 2001

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